~ ~ My grandpa, now, I appreciate, His sins I am planning to vitiate, But one I won't abide, It gets me under my hide, That's the smelly old fish he ate. ~ Picture ~
~ ~ In the boonies in the 90's at the bank getting a loan, To start up a fast food franchise alone, The banker said no, It never would go, This yere's a organic-farming zone. ~ Picture ~
I opened the door to Ned Flanders
Expecting to find Colonel Sanders
He said poo and piddley,
And let out a diddley,
Which shocked the ghost of Ann Landers.
~ ~ A sailor from multiple ports, Held contests in various courts. After each dinner, He would give to the winner, A bag full of all sorts of orts ~ Picture ~
~ ~ A lady of redoubtable pulchritude, Was worried about her ineptitude, At school she would groan, But now she was grown, And can blend right in with the multitude. ~ Picture ~
~ ~ While hootin' and not high-falutin', A gentleman high on salutin', Once opened his dossier, To show he was saucier, And shook hands with Vladimir Putin. ~ Picture ~
~ ~ Raps by the bushels and pecks, All about wrecks, necks and sex,. Are played back and frontwards, With harsh notes and blunt words, Not hot notes like Bix Beiderbecke's ~ Picture ~
~ ~ A nun from old Castel Sant' Angelo, Liked eating a ripe, juicy tangelo, She ever was chaste, And even erased, Some sex drawn by Michaelangelo. ~ Picture ~
Rome in a Day
Rome in a Day
Rome sits on its seven haunches
And the pines, with fountains in their branches,
Old road markers in the Appian sun,
Are stolid, green and...
Turn Right Here... by Jack Wilson in Esperanto
Turnu maldekstren chi tie…
far Jack Wilson
Turnu maldekstren chi tie…
Mia patro ne kredis min
Do mi faris kontrakton kun li:
Se mi eraros, li farus g’in e...